More about me
My HSP strengths
Intuition - I listen when my body tells me things, my gut feeling
Emotional intelligence - I have done my own “work” so I know what is
mine and I don’t bring it to my coaching relationship with clientsAbility to read people/the room - I can sense what is not being said which is often more powerful than what is being said
Empathy - when I was training to be a counsellor (I left at level 4 to pursue coaching) I couldn’t grasp what empathy was but when I did I realised I do that all day every day and always have
Quirky and nerdy sense of humour - you’ll find this out if we work together and you can listen to the HSP Connection podcast (links are HERE)
Safe space creation - my clients tell me I do this and marvel at how I can do it on Zoom
Heart to heart connection - always! My inner child helps me with this.
Active listening - until my counselling training I never realised this was a skill that not everyone has, but I do have it in bucket loads
I stand for
Choice - within the realms of what is possible for us individually, I want everyone to feel they can make choices about what their life looks like.
Safety - I wish everyone grew up feeling safe but I didn’t and I know many others don’t. I found safety in myself and I want that for everyone.
Joy - it’s those little moments of joy every day that make our lives so much better. I’m passionate about helping others find those moments.
I stand against
Bullying - at school, work, home, anywhere, just no!
Any “ism” - we all have value no matter what
“Shoulds” - fuck these, we get to choose and without feeling shame or embarrassment. That’s why I talk about crafting your life - it’s about letting go of the “shoulds”.
I am currently discovering:
How to take more time for rest and restoration - very much a work in progress!
Barefoot shoes
How to take care of my health better - I am working with a homeopath right now
More about disobediently ignoring the patriarchy and societal conditioning to find my own way
The challenges of the kids growing up and away from us
Travelling again - near or far