
I love spending time with Robbie Leigh, having deep conversations (us HSPs thrive on deep and meaningful conversations) on our HSP Connection podcast. Talking together really helps us work out what we feel excited about in our hearts. That’s how we realised we feel so strongly about helping people see the strength in sensitivity. 

We met in a group coaching programme and hit it off straight away. I invited Robbie to be a guest on my solo podcast (Meeting of Minds) and we got on so well I then asked her to do a mini-series with me. That went so well we decided to start the HSP Connection podcast. We have a connection which we share with our audience. The podcast is our connection with the world.

I have benefitted so much from being in community with other HSPs and I wanted to start my own community. We were having such great conversations on the podcast that we wanted a place to carry on the conversations. The HSP Connection community was born.

It’s a brave space for HSP women to carry on conversations that have been started on the podcast and we want to delve into deeper. Sometimes we go off piste and talk about other yummy subjects like past lives, we share poetry or we do show and tell. It’s a space where we can be ourselves in all our HSP-ness (say that again quickly and I dare you not to smile!!) and share lots of things other people might think are weird but in the community we just get it. It really is wonderful and I do it because connection is a basic human need and I felt a space was needed for HSP women to come together and be themselves.

If you’re interested in joining our community, book a call and let’s have a chat.