Self-love is everything
You are fine just as you are
This piece was given to me in a course I attended a few years ago. I have adapted it slightly but the premise is the same.
This is something I could have done with hearing many years ago and this i smy gift to you now. Please read it, take it in, believe it. Because it is true.
Close your eyes and picture yourself as a new-born baby lying in a cot. You are tucked up all nice and cosy. You are safe and you are looked after.
Look at yourself lying there as a new-born baby lying contentedly in your cot. Get a really strong sense that you are fundamentally okay; that you are fine, just as you are; that you are totally unique and that this uniqueness gives you innate worth and value. And sense also that you don’t need to come top in any assessments in order to be okay; you just are okay. And that you don’t need to win any awards in order to be okay; you just are okay; And when you grow up, you don’t need to be a size 8 or to have a super-toned body and a six-pack in order to be okay; you just are ok. Just as trees come in all shapes and sizes, and there is no correct way to be a tree, so it is with people, and therefore, so it is with you.
You were born okay.
You were born worthwhile.
You were born with innate value and worth.
And these are not qualities you have to earn, they are qualities that you are born with, and since no-one will ever perform surgery on you to take these qualities away, they are qualities you will carry with you, always, regardless of how much you earn or how many friends you have on social media. You will always be a work-in-progress, never the finished article – since that would require no further improvement to be possible, and there will always be room for improvement. Self-improvement is a journey, not a destination, and you will therefore never be perfect, but you will always be fundamentally okay, fundamentally worthwhile; you will always have innate worth and value.
And be aware also, that since all of us are always works in progress, never the finished article, our imperfections add value, they do not take it away. If every person were perfect, then every individual would be replaceable by anybody else. But we are not.
Our imperfections are what make us indispensable, irreplaceable.
For we are all imperfect in our own ways. No one is universally gifted. Our imperfections are what make us unique.
Just as in a mosaic, every piece of stone is imperfect, incomplete, and yet each piece is the only piece that can make its unique contribution to the total mosaic. In the same way, you are the only person who can fill the “you-shaped” hole in the mosaic of humanity.
As the far from perfect Leonard Cohen once wrote
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in …”
So celebrate your imperfections, accept yourself unconditionally, as a work in progress, yet always, fundamentally worthwhile, fundamentally okay, and absolutely fine just as you are.
This is self-love.
If you want some support getting to know and love yourself, to find more joy in life or to talk about being an HSP, book a call and we can chat over a coffee. Click the button below to contact me